Research & Development

Futura Gaïa's laboratory enables us to work with our customers in full confidentiality on the development of agronomic recipes that optimize concentrations of the active ingredient of interest.

cultivated plants
tested recipes

Our private agronomic research laboratory:

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    Is equipped with unique technological innovations to study soil-microbiota-plant interactions under controlled conditions using a scientific and biomimetic approach.

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    Creates plant growth conditions that enable high yield and quality without chemicals, all year round.

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    Has research facilities identical to those used in industrial production, enabling it to evolve towards commercial use.

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    Our facilities:

    • 6 modular and confidential research universes

    • 413 m² of research space

    • Computerized (bioinformatics, data science, integrated AI) and remote control

    • Vegetative or seed propagation possible

    • Innovative fertilization equipment

    Our results

    • Biofortification


      in calcium

    • Annual cycles


      lemon balm harvests per year

    • Photobiology


      essential oil content

    • Fertilizer


      compared to open-field cultivation

    • Inflammatory Activity


      times higher for a plant intended for nutraceutical purposes (compared to China)

    • Energy


      using our Energy Management System (EMS)

    • Antioxidant Capacity


      due to a specific microbial terroir

    The team

    A team of researchers and engineers with complementary skills:

    Our R&D offers

    Different types of research and development projects can be implemented, depending on requirements. Some examples developed with our partners:

    • 60-day feasibility study

      This type of study is used to check that the plant is operating correctly in the growing system. It can be carried out when cultivating a plant that has not been tested in the R&D laboratory, or for a short validation of a plant of interest.

    • 160-day recipe development process

      This type of experimentation can be judicious in the case of short-cycle plants (lettuces, aromatic herbs, etc.), allowing the replication of several crop cycles during the study, guaranteeing the repeatability of the recipe.

    • 300-day recipe development process

      This type of experimentation is recommended for long-cycle plants (fruit, flowers, etc.). It can also be used to carry out trials on soil composition or light spectrum optimization, or even to guarantee advanced optimization for short-cycle plants.

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