Our biofactories
A short-distance production solution, providing a complementary alternative to open-field farming and ensuring unparalleled quality
- Take a virtual tour of our farm
This preproduction biofactory enabled us to validate all our technological and agronomic choices. - View a simplified 3D plan of our farm
The first biofactory to use our validated model, but this time on an industrial scale. Geofarm prefigures the future biofactories that Futura Gaïa would like to set up throughout France and the world.
A vast field of possibilities
Futura Gaïa's biofactories ensure scalable and perfectly reproducible conditions. They meet the needs of the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and perfumery industries by providing high-quality ingredients without pesticides, unparalleled microbiological quality, and optimized levels of active compounds.
The advantages of our biofactories
Advantages for our partners, actors in the cosmetics or pharmaceutical industries, offering a production that is:
Guaranteed all year round, protected from the elements
On demand, as needs change
With stable prices
With guaranteed quality and traceability
Who creates stable jobs
Plants "tailor-made" for each industry
With optimized levels of molecules of interest
Unique in the world
A biofactory can have 6 to 12 climate chambers, each capable of housing 40 growing machines, in complete confidentiality. The climate is controlled in real time: temperature, humidity, CO2 and lighting.
A rotating cylinder is equipped with 360° central lighting and a root irrigation system. Its 48 growing trays are filled with potting soil for seedlings. In the event of a possible health concern, each machine can be isolated instantly.
The fertigation system is automated. It precisely manages micro-dosing of nutrients, with no loss, reprocessing or recirculation of water.
AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) move growing systems for filling, harvesting and maintenance. AI-analyzed images are used to monitor plant growth.
The "Supervisor" application controls the entire operation of the farm. It automatically executes recipes and controls all production equipment.